Even min(choose one)
1. Squat Clean x 2@70-80%, heavier than last week
2. Power Clean x 1 + Front Squat x 3, heavier than last week
3. Front squat x 4, heavier than last week
4. Dumbbell Clean x 6
Odd Min(choose One)
1. Muscle up
2. Chest to bar Pull-up
3. Pull-ups
4. Strict Pull-ups
5. Banded Pull-ups
Try to increase the volume a bit from last week
7 Hang Power Cleans
7 Front Squats
7 Plyo Push-ups
Sub KB Deadlifts and Goblet Squats
Sub regular push-ups or hand elevated push-ups
Weight you choose should allow you to do the hang power cleans and frint squats unbroken each round. Weight should be no heavier than 135/95#