Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT NEWTON
The Blog

Wednesday 03.22.23
20 min switching OTMBikeFarmers hold Ski Step ups + Rest 4 min + 20 min switching OTMRow Stiff arm plank hold Shuttle Lateral wall slam

Tuesday 03.21.23
4 setsA1. Stagger stance double KB DL8 each sideA2. Choose one:1. Tempo ring pull-up x 3-6, 2 sec at top, 3 sec eccentric + tempo

Monday 03.20.23
A1. Choose one: 1. Hang squat clean x 3, drop bar at top then re-set 2. Hang power clean + front squat x 3 3.

Saturday 03.18.23
AMRAP 7 Bike 7/5 cals 15 Hollow Rocks 10 Hang power snatch + Rest 4 min + AMRAP 7 Row 150/100m 20 Air Squats 10

Friday 03.17.23
4 SetsRomanian deadlift x 8Tempo Dumbbell bench press x 8-10, 3 sec eccentric +For Time:Row 1k/800 meters or bike 1.4/1.275 Burpees over bar

Thursday 03.16.23
Choice one: 4 sets A1. Tempo Back squat x 6, 3 sec eccentric A2. Dumbbell bench row x 8-10 Choice two: 4 sets A1. Box

Wednesday 03.15.23
20 min switching OTM Bike Farmers holdSki Step up Rest 20 min switching OTM Shuttle (25’ increments)Lateral slam ball :30/30Row High plank

Tuesday 03.14.23
4 sets A1. Stagger stance double KB DL x 8 each A2. Choose one: 1. Tempo ring pull-up x 3-6, 2 sec at top, 3

Monday 03.13.23
A1. Choose one:1. Hip squat clean x 4, drop bar at top then re-set2. Hang power clean + front squat x 43. Russian swing x

Saturday 2.18.23
EMOM 30Min 1: CardioMin 2: BurpeesMin 3: Box Jumps Each round should be consistent. Today is about sustainability through all rounds. What you do on

Friday 2.17.23
Open Workout 23.1 Choice One(if you are signed up) AMRAP14 60 Cal Row 50 Toes to bar 40 Wall Balls@20/14 30 Cleans@135/95 20 Muscle-ups Choice

Thursday 2.16.23
Squat + Horizontal pressChoice One:4 SetsA1. Back Squat Cluster, rest :10 sec between repsA2. Alternating DB floor press x 10-12 totalRest 2 min If

Wednesday 2.15.23
SustainAMRAP 40 minCardio30 Hollow Rocks10 Turkish get-ups10 Plank DB slides100 Jump rope Cardio choices:Row 1k/800mBike 1.4/1.6Ski 850/750

Tuesday 2.14.23
Choice One:Squat + Horizontal Row6 Front Squats + 8-10 DB chest supported row4 Front Squats + 8-10 DB chest supported row2 Front Squats + 8-10

Monday 2.13.23
Choice One: Row 60 cals 40 Burpees 30 Clean and jerks No heavier than 155/105 Choice Two: 60 cal row 40 Burpees 30 Dumbbell Clean

Wednesday 1.18.23
Switching on the min for 40 min Bike Farmers hold Ski Walking lunge, unweighted Row High plank shuttle(25′ increments) Sandbag hold Each cardio effort should

Tuesday 1.17.23
Hinge + Vertical push + Horizontal pull + Cardio 4 Sets 8-10 Stagger stance double kettlebell deadlift 8 Tempo barbell or dumbbell push press 8-10

Monday 1.16.23
Choice one: Front Squat 10@60% 8@70% 6@80% Max reps@60% Choice two: Front Squats 4 Sets of 8, heavier than last week Choice Three: Tempo Goblet

Saturday 1.14.23
“3s A Crowd” AMRAP 7 Ski 500/450 50 alternating step-ups Rest 4 AMRAP 7 Bike 20/15 cals 15 Ring Rows Rest 4 AMRAP 7 Row

Friday 1.13.23
4 Sets Deadlift x 10 Bench press x 10 Add 5# from last week if it was a challenge Add 10# from last week if

Thursday 1.12.23
Every 2 min x 5 3 Back squats Heavier than last week. same weight across all sets or Every 3 min x 3 8 Back

Wednesday 1.11.23
AMRAP 35 Cardio 30 Hollow Rocks 10 Turkish Get-ups 75 Double Unders Cardio choices: Row 1k/800m Bike 1.4/1.2 Ski 800/650m Sub: 100 single unders for

Tuesday 1.10.23
Stagger Hinge + Vertical Push + Single Arm Horizontal Pull 4 Sets 8-10 Stagger stance double Kettlebell Deadlift 8 Tempo barbell or dumbbell push press,

Monday 1.9.23
Choice One: Front Squat 10@65-70% of 1RM Clean 8@70-75% 6@75-80% Max Reps@same weight as first set Choice Two: Front Squat 4 Sets of 8 reps

Saturday 1.7.23
“Popeye” 3 Rounds Row 500 or Bike .7/.6 30 Air Squats 15 Hang power clean and jerks@95/65 Sub DB Clean and jerks for barbell

Tuesday 11.15.22
Below workout is 4 sets A1. Choose One: HSPU – Max Strict + Kip ping HSPU cluster – or, :10 sec between each

Monday 11.14.22
EMOM 14Even min(choose one)1. Squat Clean x 2@70-80%, heavier than last week2. Power Clean x 1 + Front Squat x 3, heavier than last week3.

Saturday 11.12.22
AMRAP 7 7 Ring rows 7 Box Jumps 14 BW lunges Rest 4 min AMRAP 7 14 Wall Balls 14 Double unders Rest 4 min

Friday 11.11.22
5 Sets Deadlift x 5 Bench Press x 5 Deadlift weight and bench press weight should be challenging, but leave a little in the tank.

Thursday 11.10.22
EMOM 10 Even Min – Back Squat x 5 Odd Min – coardio *Back Squat should be the same weight across all sets. No heavier

Wednesday 11.9.22
10 Min Bike :30 Sec Suitcase carry 50′ right Suitcase carry 50′ left + Rest 2 min + 10 Min Row 150 Meters 1 Turkish

Tuesday 11.8.22
4 Sets A1. Choose One: 1. HSPU – Max Strict + Kipping 2. HSPU Cluster – or, :10 sec rest between each double

Monday 11.7.22
EMOM 14 Even Min (choose one) Squat Clean x 3@60-70% Power Clean x 1 + Front Squat x 3@challenging weight Dumbbell Clean x 6 Odd

Saturday 11.5.22
Partner Workout Run 800 Together 100 Wall Balls 50 Burpees 50 Wall Balls 25 Burpees Run 800 together All reps between runs are shared

Friday 11.4.22
Vertical Press + Hinge + Sled4 SetsPush Press x 6Romanian Deadlift x 10Reverse Sled Drag x 100′Rest 2 min Post workout3 SetsDumbbell Trunk rotation x

Thursday 11.3.22
Choice One:Deload Back Squat5 Sets of 2 Tempo Squats4 sec eccentric, 10 sec pause at bottom Choice Two:5 sets of 2 Tempo Goblet Squats4 sec

Wednesday 11.2.22
AMRAP 10Farmers carry 50′Sandbag carry 50′ Rest 2 min AMRAP 10Bike 50/35 calsBurpee step-ups in remaining time Rest 2 min 5 Min Ski Erg5 Min

Tuesday 11.1.22
EMOM 10Choose One:Strict Pull-upsSelf assisted Pull-upsBanded Pull-upsRing Rows + Choice One:Every 5 min x 5Row 250/200 Meters10-15 HSPURun 200 Meters Choice Two:Every 5 min x

Monday 10.31.22
Choice One: 10 Power Cleans 10 Front Squats 10 Burpees Over Bar Rest 1:1 x 3 About 50-60-% of clean Choice Two: 15 Russian Kettlebell

Friday 10.28.22
4 Sets Choose One Push Option: 5 Tempo Push Press + 3 Push Press + 1 Jerk 5 Tempo Push Press + 3 Push Press

Thursday 10.27.22
Choice One: Front Squat Work up to a heavy triple minus 10% x 4-8 Choice Two: 4 Sets Front Squat x 6 or Goblet Squat

Wednesday 10.26.22
AMRAP 16 Switching on the min Bike Farmers Hold Ski Erg Sandbag Hold + AMRAP 16 Switching on the min Bike Hollow Hold Row High

Tuesday 10.25.22
Choice One: Every 4 min x 4 Stagger Stance Romanian Deadlift x 8 each side HSPU x 5-15 reps Deficit if proficient Choice Two: Every

Monday 10.24.22
Choice One: Every 1:30 x 6 Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat All Sets@75% or above Choice Two: Every 1:30 x 6

Friday 10.21.22
Hinge + Vertical Push + Vertical pull4 Sets8 Romanian Deadlifts8 Tempo DB Push Press, 3 sec eccentric on each repPullCardioRest 2-3 min Lifts should be

Thursday 10.20.22
Choice A: Every 3 min x 4 2 Front Squats 5 Back Squats Each Set Heavier than Last week Last week was 3 front squats

Wednesday 10.19.22
AMRAP 162 Turkish Get-ups@ challenging weight20 Hollow Rocks + AMRAP 16Farmers Hold :60 secN-Sit :30 secRow 250/200 or Bike 15/10 Cals Rest 4 min between

Tuesday 10.18.22
A1. Choose One: 5-8 Tempo Chin-ups, 3 sec eccentric, 2 sec hold at top 6-8 Chin-ups 5-7 Banded Chin-ups A2. Choose One: 6-10 Tempo Ring

Monday 10.17.22
Compete/Perfom Every 1:30 x 6 Pause snatch deadlift, 4 sec below knee Eccentric lower 3 sec to below knee Hang Snatch Snatch *Catch bar where

Friday 10.14.22
CompeteVertical Push + Vertical Pull + Cardio 5 Tempo Push Press(3 sec eccentric) + 3 Push Press +1 Jerk3-8 Muscle-ups or 6-15 Chest to barsCardioRest

Thursday 10.13.22
Compete/Perform Front Squat Work up to a heavy triple Fitness Front Squat or Goblet Squat 4 Sets of 8 Use a challenging weight + Compete/Perform

Wednesday 10.12.22
Sustain 4 Rounds Run 400 Meters Mixed carry 50 meters each side, KB suitcase carry + DB overhead carry Row 500 Meters 1 min accumulated

Tuesday 10.11.22
Hinge + Vertical Push Every 4 min x 4 A1. Stagger Stance Romanian Deadlift x 8 each side A2. Choose one: 1. HSPU x 5-15

Monday 10.10.2022
Compete Squat + Vertical Pull Every 3 min x 5 A1. 1 Pause Squat Clean, Below the knee + 1 Pause Squats Clean, above the